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Living Faith Lutheran Kindergarten opened its doors in January 2015. Here all children are seen as unique and special creations of God.

Our Christian ethos is expressed through the culture of our Kindergarten, all teaching and learning experiences, pastoral care of students and staff, policies and practices.

The teachers and educators at Living Faith Lutheran Kindergarten are professionally active and keep abreast of current research and thinking through professional reading, courses of study, workshops, networking and dialogue.

Living Faith Lutheran Kindergarten operates two Kindergarten programs. Our programs follow the Early Years Learning Framework which enables educators to provide young children with opportunities to maximise their potential and develop a foundation for future success in learning.

The document is titled Belonging, Being, Becoming - Every child in our care will experience a genuine sense of belonging, they will have time and space to be themselves and will be supported in whom they are becoming.

We ensure that we are developing these three aspects in the following ways:

  • Belonging: supporting children to belong, providing them with the opportunity to be part of a community

  • Being: giving children the chance to be themselves. Allowing children the time to grow at their own pace, enjoy the wonder of childhood, learn about themselves, develop deep relationships and become fully involved with new ideas and interests.

  • Becoming: supporting children to realise their potential and also helping them to grow into active members of the community.

Our Kindergarten programs also follow the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guidelines which focuses explicitly on enriching children’s learning in the Kindergarten year. The guideline provides advice to support Kindergarten teachers to strengthen the children’s sense of belonging, being and becoming.